Prof. Moshe Cohen-Eliya

Prof. Moshe Cohen-Eliya is the President of the College of Law and Business (as of 2015). Prior to his service as the President, he was the dean of the law school at the College (2010-2015). He is the founder and editor-in-chief of the journal Law & Ethics of Human Rights (2007-2012). 

Prof. Cohen-Eliya graduated from the Hebrew University, magna cum laude (1993); earned his LL.D. from the Hebrew University (direct track) (2000); did his post-doctorate at Harvard law school as a fellow with the Human Rights Program (2002-2003); and was a faculty fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University (2009-2010). Prior to joining the faculty (2000), he worked as a lawyer for the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (1994-1999) during this period he appeared before the Israeli Supreme Court in constitutional cases.

Among his publications:  Proportionality and Constitutional Culture (Cambridge University Press, 2013) (with I. Porat); Proportionality and Justification, Toronto Law Journal (2013) (with I. Porat); Judicial Minimalism and the Double Effect of Rules and Standard, 26 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 283 (2012) (with I. Porat). Proportionality and the Culture of Justification, 59(2) American Journal of Comparative Law (2010) (with I. Porat)  American Balancing and German Proportionality: The Historical Origins   8 I-CON International Journal of Constitutional Law 263 (2010) (with I. Porat); The Hidden Foreign Law Debate in Heller: Proportionality Approach in American Constitutional Law, 45 San Diego Law Review 367 (2009) (with I. Porat); Probability Thresholds as Deontological Constraints in Global Constitutionalism,  49 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 75 (2011) (with G. Stopler); Discrimination against Arabs in Israel in Public Accommodations 36 NYU Journal of International Law and Politics 717 (2004); Self Defending Democracy and Democratic Education in Ultra-Orthodox Jews Schools 11 Law and Government 367 (2008) (Hebrew); Advertisements, Stereotypes and Freedom of Expression 35 Journal of Social Philosophy 165 (2004) (with Y. Hammer).

Areas of Interests
Judicial Review in Deeply-Divided Societies; Global Constitutionalism; Human Rights; the Right to Education; Antidiscrimination Laws; Freedom of Expression; Multiculturalism.

Haaretz, Jan. 19, 2014: Israel's Language War II: This time, it's over English
A profile article in MarkerWeek, June 8, 2013: Professor Moshe Cohen-Eliya talks about discrimination, lobbyists, and the global vision of CLB law school (Hebrew).
Jerusalem Report, November, 20, 2011: Cohen-Eliya: CLB is an Active Academy (English).